Hi Michael , thanks for getting rid of that awful avatar pic , unless that really is a pic of you .Then you are one handsome man . All right just joking around I'm sorry. OK it sounds to me that you have steam not smoke . And that means you are overheating at least somewhat . I overheat now and then for reasons like, once I used the wrong tubing on my raw water pump (needed to use heavy duty tubing) , raw water pump needs rebuild , heat exchanger needs boil out , mixing elbow plugged up , raw water strainer needs cleaning , and last but not least my raw water thru hull gets salted up and is plugged solid . The last time my thru hull got plugged partially . I could run for about half an hour and then I would start to steam (but just a little) and I still had water coming out the exhaust. I hope some of this helps . Sail On Bro. !
Last modified: July 30, 2013 6:56 PM | Deleted user