W42 short term sail recommendations

  • March 30, 2020 3:24 PM
    Message # 8868513
    Deleted user

    This coming summer will be the first Season that I really get to our W42 out onto Puget Sound. She's a cutter rig standard mast.

    Her sails are in pretty poor shape. UV damaged threads. Pretty blown out. Just plain old. A new set of sails isn't exactly in the budget for the next couple months, so I'm looking for feedback on what to replace. 

    I just want to be under power.  

    The Head sail is in rough shape. Throwing threads. It didn't have a sun shade on it. Its the big 140 genoa. I managed to pop a spreader hole in it while not attending to some folks helping me sail. 

    The main is not in as bad of shape. Not throwing threads, but certainly old. Spent most of its time under the boom cover.  

    The Yankee seems to have not got much use at all. Just hanging in a bag. I hear people using Super Yankees on the 32's.

    What kind of wind can I expect to make good headway under and old main and a good standard yankee?

    What would you all put your money into right out the gate? I've got about a $1000 I can put into a used sail. I'm seeing Genoas and Mains that look like they should be pretty close to the cut to do the job for $500-$800

    I appreciate any feedback

    ~ the new guy.

  • May 03, 2020 1:06 PM
    Reply # 8943895 on 8868513


    I can't help you out much on the sails, but I can on most other parts on the boat.  However if you want some good information regarding the sails, it is available on a podcast.  : http://www.highs-lows.com/westsail-story-podcast.  This podcast is from one of the owners that has done interviews with a number of Westsail owners, and he has a couple of good ones on sails from Kern Ferguson, a sailmaker who has a long history with the Westsail fleet.

    Well worth listening to them.

  • May 05, 2020 6:49 PM
    Reply # 8949324 on 8868513

    Hi Thomas! Where in Puget Sound are you located? Earlier this year I spent a couple months working at Ballard Sails in Seattle and they keep a small inventory of used sails for sale. Obviously COVID-19 has rendered a lot of places shuttered for the time being, but it might be worthwhile to reach out to local sail makers to ask about buying used sails direct from them. The failsafe option of the internet also exists. "Used sails" in a Google search will produce some hits worth perusing. (Minney's in SoCal usually has a huge inventory, but I think they aren't currently shipping sails?) And there is a [small] window of opportunity to find good stuff on Ebay and Craigslist. Best of luck getting out there this summer!

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