2014 Strictly Sail - Westsail Mini Rendezvous

  • April 12, 2014 7:55 AM
    Message # 1536556
    Anonymous member (Administrator)



    We had an impromptu rendezvous sans boats at the Strictly Sail boat show today. Great to see everyone!  from right to left:

    Morten Palmgren - W32 Sunseeker

    Randy Hamilton & Jackie Petro  - W32 Symbiosis

    Steve & Sherri Brenner - W32 Pablo

    Pasi Kimpimaki- W32 Miru

    Randy Leasure - W32 Tortuga

    Also Ben Boblett from W32 Dharma Bum was there and left earlier in the day before the picture was taken.

    Randy Leasure

  • April 12, 2014 8:54 PM
    Reply # 1536785 on 1536556
    We really enjoyed meeting everyone. So much fun! Thanks Randy for putting it together.
  • April 13, 2014 8:07 AM
    Reply # 1536896 on 1536556
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Do join us for the Northern California Westsail Rendezvous first weekend in October... 
    Check out the event at  http://www.westsail.org/Scheduleofevents

    Nor Cal Rendezvous Host
    Last modified: April 13, 2014 8:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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