I am looking for a boom suitable for a W32.
Rich , sorry I don't have one , but one of these days I'm gonna make one from wood . I already made one for my stay sail boom . If I didn't have more pressing issues that would be in my top 5 . Good luck . In my area we have some boat bone yards that have booms stacked like cord wood . this is one of them plus the vid is cool . http://minneys.blogspot.com/2014/10/while-returning-from-class-reunion-at.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheOfficialMinneysYachtSurplusBlog+%28The+Official+Minney%27s+Yacht+Surplus+Blog%29
If you are still looking for a boom I have one. I am located near Saint Augustine Florida. Contact me if interested. $100
I have a staysail boom sitting in storage. Not sure if you meant mainsail or staysail or both.
I have a friend that may want your staysail boom. I'll contact him today.
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