Bow-sprit build

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  • November 13, 2012 5:21 PM
    Reply # 1136772 on 975384
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Here is a link to a album from when we refinished Randy Leasure  bowsprit   and later his boomkin's were replaced. 

    The thinking on paint verses clear is that with clear you can see if there is discoloration of the wood from moisture/fungus - whereas with paint that would be hidden. 

    Hope this helps
    Last modified: November 13, 2012 5:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • November 14, 2012 5:22 AM
    Reply # 1137263 on 975384


    There looks to be a 18"-24" stainless steel gusset on the bottom of the sprit near the anchor rollers when the project is finished.  Would that be a wise addition to my sprit too?



  • November 14, 2012 5:25 AM
    Reply # 1137266 on 1136772

    What Jay says about the ability to see discoloration caused by moisture/fungus is not to be taken lightly.

    I was examining a bad 'ding' on my painted bowsprit where one of my anchors banged an edge exposing the wood. I was trying to decide what to do about it when I noticed what I thought was maybe a 'stress crack' in the paint on top of the bowsprit.  On closer examination I discovered it felt a bit soft underneath. I get an ice pick and discover mushy wood about 8-10" long and an inch or two deep right down the middle.  Otherwise unless you looked real close, visually to the casual eye it was non-existent.

    Had the bowsprit been clear/varnished I'm sure I would have noticed it early on and saved myself from having to replace the whole thing.

    That said, I do like the combo of a white bowsprit among all the teak.  My new one is again painted white (2 part polyurethane) but I've taken the precaution of thoroughly 'soaking' the new wood with 3 coats of penetrating epoxy (including any holes that were drilled) before painting and carefully rebedding everything with either butyl tape or Sikaflex.

    Last modified: November 14, 2012 5:25 AM | Anonymous member
  • November 14, 2012 5:30 AM
    Reply # 1137269 on 1137263
    Tyler & Amy Bechel wrote:


    There looks to be a 18"-24" stainless steel gusset on the bottom of the sprit near the anchor rollers when the project is finished.  Would that be a wise addition to my sprit too?



    I'm sure that 'gusset' is there to protect the bowsprit from exactly the problem I had, i.e. anchors rubbing/banging against the finish and eventually exposing the wood underneath.
  • November 15, 2012 7:31 AM
    Reply # 1138319 on 975384
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The SS wrapping round the sprit - is to protect from impact from the anchor and my old wood sprit had this also.  Would recommend it as anchors do move around.


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