Mast Wire Tube

  • May 16, 2012 12:19 PM
    Message # 922451

    Greetings! The lower portion of the PVC tube inside our mast has broken free. Aside from alot of noise, the mast wires run through this tube and now have quite a bit of stress on them. Does anyone have experience with this problem and/or a recommended fix?

    Cheers, Jeff & Wendy s/v Calypso W32 #44

  • May 17, 2012 7:58 AM
    Reply # 923286 on 922451
    Deleted user

    Jeff and Wendy,

    We had to completely replace all the mast wiring on Mary Rose. There was no conduit as the wires were wrapped and wire tied inside of black foam tubing. We inserted a 1.5 inch PVC conduit and attached it with rivets. This required drilling two small holes in the mast at each attachment point. We used one of the holes to insert a strong wire hook to pull the conduit up tight against the mast. We then drilled the conduit and attached it with a pop rivet. Of course there were no wires in the conduit so that may be a challenge using this method. The trick will be drilling the hole in the conduit without scaring the insulation of the wire.

    This is the link to the post on our mast re-wire not sure if it will be much help.

    Don and Lana.


  • May 19, 2012 6:09 AM
    Reply # 925288 on 922451

    Thanks for the info!


    We were hoping we could get away with not having to pull the wires but....


    At least they are all fairly new so we “shouldn’t” have the problem a problem with broken wires.


    Hope to see you soon,

    Jeff & Wendy

  • June 17, 2012 8:25 AM
    Reply # 974826 on 922451
    Jeff and Wendy,

    I had the same problem you had.  Mine was caused by  a previous owner's careless installation of a whisker pole track that drilled out the rivets holding the pvc pipe that was the conduit. Even in a quiet anchorage in the bahamas with just a hint of swell that would rock you to sleep, the noise was horrible. 

    It was a relatively easy fix.  Bud was helpful in explaining how to do it. 

    Here is a short explanation:  

    The mast is drilled thru the conduit every so often.  A pop rivet is used to hold the conduit to the mast.  The problem is holding the tube to the mast for this operation.   About an inch or so next to the rivet point, another small hole is drilled to use a home made stiff wire tool in.  Make a sort of hook that is of stiff enough wire to hold the conduit against the side of the mast while drilling and riveting.  I used a pair of vise grips to hold the tool up to the mast while drilling and riveting.  If you use the right size rivets and are careful with the drill, you can do this with the wire in the conduit. I did and had no trouble. Just be careful and use a bit of tape on the bit for a depth gauge.  

    After you are done, you can put a pop rivet in your "tool" hole.

    Let me know if I can be more clear.  

    My email is 

    toolowd  AT aol DOT com

    Last modified: June 17, 2012 8:30 AM | Anonymous member
  • August 02, 2012 12:47 PM
    Reply # 1034996 on 922451


    We got the tube attached back to the mast with the mast up!

    We had a quote from a local yard of over $ 1K..Ouch!!

    Since it was only the lower portion of the mast tube that was free we were able to push the tube up the mast from the bottom and pull it towards the mast using the hook recommended by all.

    Thank you for all the advice,

    Jeff & Wendy

    S/V Calypso

    W32 #44

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