Update: Ya, I'd rather not thru bolt them because the bolts are smaller than the originals and downsizing seems like a source of problems later (filling the holes, redrilling them, hoping the material stays adhered to the original hole...) I considered drilling the new bases out from 5/16" to 3/8" but the holes Groco put in them are a little off center and redrilling them would leave one side a little thin. As an experiment I drilled and tapped a scrap of the 3/4" G10, put in a mild steel galvanized carriage bolt and used a SS nut and washer to try to strip the threads out of the G10. The bolt sheared off. I figure that's around the same order of shear strength as the bronze studs I'm using so the G10 threads seem plenty strong. I'll wax the studs, dip them in West System and thread them in. I should still be able to pull them out later if necessary and drill and thru bolt them if there's a reason to. Since I'm not thru bolting them I need an aggressive adhesive like 5200 or thickened epoxy. The 5200 is probably good enough but I'm inclined to use colloidal silica and West System. Note: when tapping G10 start the first 1/4" or so of the threads with a plug tap, they have quite a bit of taper on the tip and you can keep it aligned in the hole pretty easily as your starting the cut. Then switch to a blind tap to cut the rest, they have virtually no taper and so they don't bind in the G10. However, it's possible my impressions here are due more to the plug tap I used being from Ace Hardware while the blind tap I used is a production machining tap that's extremely hard and sharp.