Removing forward bulkhead forever ?

  • December 27, 2013 1:31 PM
    Message # 1464092
    Deleted user
    I removed the forward bulkhead and want to leave it out because I am so tall. I cant imagine that it offered much support. Considering that most of it was cut out due to access doors and it was glassed only on the sides - not on the overhead.  

    Whats your input on this? Can I just leave it open so I can stretch out? Should I put up at the least a beefy stringer in that same spot? 
  • December 27, 2013 4:19 PM
    Reply # 1464135 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    Hey Michael,

    I have the standard (meaning original) bowsprit setup which has 4
    bronze bolts through the bulkhead and the sampson posts. Removing the forward bulkhead would impact the structural integrity of my sampson posts but not much else as far as I can determine. This is a good "Bud" question.

    Last modified: December 27, 2013 4:26 PM | Deleted user
  • December 28, 2013 12:27 PM
    Reply # 1464414 on 1464092
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    To clarify - are you talking about the partition under the mast, the one forward between the v-berth and the head or the one that forms the chain locker?


    Last modified: December 28, 2013 12:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • December 28, 2013 5:05 PM
    Reply # 1464481 on 1464135
    Deleted user
    Werner Hamp wrote:Hey Michael,

    I have the standard (meaning original) bowsprit setup which has 4
    bronze bolts through the bulkhead and the sampson posts. Removing the forward bulkhead would impact the structural integrity of my sampson posts but not much else as far as I can determine. This is a good "Bud" question.


    Bud has said in the past that the chain locker bulkhead is a structural bulkhead.
    Therefore Michael should not be removing the wall.
    But there might be some confusion for which bulkhead Michael is referring to.
  • December 29, 2013 7:11 AM
    Reply # 1464613 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    Sorry for the confusion. I am indeed speaking about the chain locker bulkhead. Its removed at the moment and I like being able to stretch out my legs while sleeping in the v birth. 

    I am planing on using stainless steel sampson post so the bulkhead would not be needed for that. I suppose I may be able to move the bulk head forward a bout 5 inches but again I would cut big holes into it for access doors so the real strength from where?

  • December 29, 2013 3:32 PM
    Reply # 1464770 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    There is a massive load on the bowsprit.   That's why it's a bearing wall (bulkhead).
  • December 30, 2013 5:53 AM
    Reply # 1464989 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    you could re-engineer the loads.  that bulkhead stabilizes the lower part of the samson posts, and also adds strength to the deck above, where the bowsprit is bolted.

    There can be quite a load up there, when anchored and the waves come up.  Surprisingly high shock loads.

    you could make longer samson posts and move them forward, and just glass them to the hull below.

    Other thoughts must be, where and how do you store the anchor rode?



  • December 30, 2013 8:39 AM
    Reply # 1465055 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    I store the anchors on the bowsprit and the chain rides below the head right near the center of the boat, (all 275' with room for more). I have ran a 3 or 4" PVC pipe that guides in this process. 

    It was my understanding that if you bought a stainless bowsprit with sampson post from Bud you can remove or cut out the old post. Now putting two an two together I would be inclined to remover the remaining sampson post that remain attached to the bulkhead inside. And Keeping in mind that this bulkhead was never glassed to the overhead only on the edges to the hull. 

    I realize that this bulkhead may be used for structural reasons but what a small percentage it had to offer. Given how it was attached and its relative small surface area ( most of the bulk head was removed for access doors to the chain locker)  

    Here is what I have so far. 

    I have ran five 1/2" all-thread with nuts into the deck to attach the bowsprit with big backing plates. Two of the five 1/2" all-thread are used to mount the 1/4" plate that keeps the windless mounted, they travel through the bowsprit and deck and plate.  

    The stainless sampson post will bolt to the bowsprit and to the deck using the same 1/2" all-thread. This should allow for me to glass over the rectangle holes.  
    Overall I suppose a bulkhead would make it stronger but I cant see that it offered much other than sampson post support, perhaps a little flex. I'm guessing here of course.  
    Last modified: December 30, 2013 10:56 PM | Deleted user
  • December 30, 2013 5:43 PM
    Reply # 1465324 on 1464092
    Deleted user
    I'm going to post in Ask Bud. This one intrigues me.
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