Boat Stands

  • November 27, 2012 6:31 PM
    Message # 1147409
    Deleted user

    Going on the hard in Charlottetown, PEI harbour where it's quite windy.  I'd like to get recommendations on the number of stands per side needed (I'm guessing 3) and the best choice of stand (brand).


  • November 27, 2012 8:02 PM
    Reply # 1147487 on 1147409
    Deleted user

    Ralph, here in New England the general rule is to put a jackstand at every 8 feet of hull.  The stands of choice here are Brownell.  Before our WS42, we had a Pearson Vanguard which was 32 feet and when the boat was on the hard there were 7 jackstands used:  one on the bow and 3 per side.

    Assuming that you have a WS32, which is quite a bit heavier than the Vanguard, you may want additional advice.  On our WS42, there are currently 9 jackstands:  one on the bow and 4 to each side.

    It will be important to get the right size jackstand. However, just as important is the chain used to lock each side to side pair of jackstands.

    There are two source of Jackstands that I know of that offer good advice and adequate inventory:  Hamilton Marine in either Portland or Searsport, Maine; and Jamestown Distributors in Rhode Island.

    Hope that helps.

  • November 28, 2012 6:33 AM
    Reply # 1147748 on 1147409
    Deleted user
    Being a full keel versus a fin keel, is a single bow stand really needed?  I suspect the bracing needed is really against lateral motion and that means stands in pairs.  But if you have reason for a bow stand I'm happy to defer to your experience.  Jamestown has  some good advice on their website concerning selecting the right stand height and the right chain strength/size.
  • November 28, 2012 10:25 AM
    Reply # 1147954 on 1147409

    We found these adjustable cradles to work much better then stands, not having to move them for bottom work if the yard has them.  Wouldn't be to hard to make but you still need a bow stand or the boat can roll forward.


  • November 28, 2012 10:21 PM
    Reply # 1148365 on 1147409
    Deleted user

    Sure makes bottom work a whole lot easier doesn't it Jim.  This is a great idea for more or less permanent stands for the annual winter haulout.  For delivery of the vessel however, the stands are going to have to go with the boat.  But I will include a singleton stand for the bow just to be safe.  Thanks for the suggestions.


  • February 17, 2014 3:56 PM
    Reply # 1500099 on 1147409
    Deleted user
    Did you get yourself some stands for your W32, and if so what size did you get?
    I presently have a cradle but haven't found a transport company in the maritimes that can lift my W32 with cradle to deliver to my lot, 20 km from Shediac, so I might be looking for stands.
    Will you be at the Halifax boat show this weekend?
  • April 06, 2014 5:14 AM
    Reply # 1532244 on 1147409
    Deleted user
    Jean:   I think I answered via email, but in case I didn't...  I have Brownell stands, three to a side + a bow stand.  Three weeks ago we had a hell of a blizzard through the island with winds of 100 km/h and gusts to 120.  Boat never moved although the tarp was shredded (as they were on almost all the other boats in the yard).  My neighbour's boat looked like it was twisting off its trailer (a 36-ft Tayana) and if it had continued the way it was going, it would have come over on top of me.  That was Friday, and another blizzard was forecast for Monday so it was Saturday or never.  The yard spend $$$ digging out a path for the travel lift to move me and to set the Tayana onto stands.  The Tayana owner's insurance covered the cost.  We hadn't yet stood the mast etc. from the move so it was on saw horses but the main and staysail booms were up on blocks on the ground.  All had to be moved to make way for the travel lift --- a delicate job freeing them from the ice and snow and I guess we weren't delicate enough because we put a flat spot about 2-ft long on one side of the staysail boom with the bucket on the loader tractor.  Took 6 hours to clear a path from the yard gate to the boats.  Am now trying to replace the boom.    Ralph
    Last modified: April 06, 2014 5:17 AM | Deleted user
  • April 08, 2014 11:07 AM
    Reply # 1533982 on 1147409
    Jim, the linked pic (I think?) for the adjustable cradle you mentioned appears to have gone bad. Might you be able to re-post? Or do you know who makes the one you're talking about?
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