Hawse Pipes!!! Again

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  • November 05, 2012 9:01 AM
    Reply # 1126820 on 1100999

    I guess my questions is, how do the hawse pipes go bad enough for replacement?  These are cast bronze, and run line through them to steady the boat in slip.  Why would anybody need to replace them, do they actually wear thin?  They are above the water, they just turn green, and harm nothing.


  • November 05, 2012 9:09 AM
    Reply # 1126832 on 1100999
    Tyler, my hawse pipes are spun bronze. The spun bronze is really thin (maybe 1/16" thick) and they crack after a few years. The ones I just received are solid bronze about 1/4" thick. The solid bronze one will last the rest of my life. Hope this helps. 
  • November 05, 2012 9:38 AM
    Reply # 1126860 on 1126832
    James MItchell wrote:Tyler, my hawse pipes are spun bronze. The spun bronze is really thin (maybe 1/16" thick) and they crack after a few years. The ones I just received are solid bronze about 1/4" thick. The solid bronze one will last the rest of my life. Hope this helps. 

    Oh.  I'm pretty sure the ones on my W32 are cast b/c they have the 'W' in them.  I look at them and get confused as to why people need to replace such an overbuilt part, but your response helps me understand.  Any additional info from other owners may be able to provide further enlightenment.


  • November 06, 2012 8:05 AM
    Reply # 1130933 on 1100999
    Regarding the availability of cast bronze pipes, you would have to ask Bud, as he was my source. I think Stephen had some extras.
  • November 06, 2012 9:58 AM
    Reply # 1131032 on 1100999
    Yup, Bud had one set left....it's mine now! Why didn't I go there first?
  • November 07, 2012 9:36 PM
    Reply # 1132468 on 1100999
    Deleted user
    As to why they needed replacing?  The boot deteriorated and the pipes were stuck.  Couldn't get the pipes out withoutout destroying them essentially.  The boot and pipes were leaking into the cabin.  I am dry now but it is ABS.  Eventually I'll go with cast bronze again.  If any of the others develop a problem I'll figure out a way to salvage the cast bronze.  Tough problem. Hope this helps.
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