I think I’ve read everything on this website pertaining to relocation of the cockpit drains above the waterline on the Westsail 32.
As I understand it, your recommendation is to tilt the cockpit floor aft and run drain hoses from new drains in the aft end of the cockpit to through hulls about 4 inches forward of the boomkin tangs, a few inches above the waterline.
I think Jay Bietz ran his hoses from the two forward cockpit drain holes aft, along the bottom of the cockpit tub to that point at the stern above the waterline.
My cockpit is tilted downward towards the bow.Call melazy, but I’d sure like to avoid retilting the floor if I may.
Is it not feasible to just run my hoses at right angles athwartship from the two forward cockpit drain hoses to position a few inches above the waterline, but closer to the beam?
Or is it crucial to reconfigure the cockpit floor to drain towards the stern and utilize newly drilled drain holes at the aft end of the cockpit floor?
I think I’ll use Forespar Marelon seacocks and mushroom through hulls on the drains hoses, unless there’s a reason not to.
Thanks for all of your invaluable support.
Dave Matt