need boarding ladder thoughts for westsail 42

  • July 16, 2011 2:05 PM
    Message # 656485
    Hi there,  My wife and I have been restoring #75 wanderbird,  tall rig cutter.  This is my first foray into the forum so be gentle with me.  I am looking for advise on a boarding rescue, all purpose ladder,  Im thinking something which would be permanently mounted, folds down and perhaps accessible from the water.  Thanks.
  • July 18, 2011 5:19 AM
    Reply # 657507 on 656485
    Deleted user

    Welcome aboard Cal.

    Bud Taplin of Worldcruiser furnishes a nice rig that attaches to the stern pulpit for the 32. He most likely has one to fit the 42/43 as well.

    Also, I would reccommend this site which contains thousands of searchable posts that contain a wealth of information.


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