I just installed a MaxProp on our W28. I went with a 3 blade "EASY" model. I had tried to install the standard "Classic" version last year but ran into issues with rudder clearance. The "Easy" version has the blades centered on the prop hub, on the "Classic" version the blades are mounted on the aft end of the prop hub. The rudder opening on the W28 was too small to fit the "Classic version unless I cut away some of the rudder. The "Easy" bolted right on!
I managed to get the old prop off and the new MaxProp on in about 20 minutes all while hanging in the slings. My boat projects NEVER go this smoothly...
I had hoped for at least a 3 knot increase in boat speed under sail (in my dreams!!) and most importantly, actual reverse engine power as opposed to our usual galloping to Starboard while backing up at glacieral speed! .
I can report the following; I now have reverse...actual backing up with only minimal walking to Starboard!!! Our top forward motoring speed is the same as it was with the fixed prop (5.5 knots). I have not yet seen my dreamed of 3 knot increase in sailing speed, but I am truly getting about a half a knot more speed under sail.
So being one of those people that thinks if a little is good maybe more is better... I spoke with the guys at MaxProp and asked them if I could set a different pitch on the prop for reversing as I never run in reverse at full RPM's. My thinking is that increased pitch will give more stopping power. They said, yes, I can do that and I will get more power at lower RPM's in reverse, but I will also get increased walking with the increased pitch.
Has anyone else with a MaxProp tried using more pitch in reverse?