Pygmalion has this experimental fin to hopefully reduce hobby horsing... I don't recommend this modification until you have the rest of the boat all done and working... I do recommend adding the fairing to the hull / rudder area to reduce drag. One thing most of us have done is to be sure that the water flow into the prop is NOT pinched off by the fairing.
Please review the information found here (for full members) where many repair topics are detailed including updates to original ideas which didn't always work out.
As I recall, there are usually at least 4 supports while in the yard plus a support on the bow of the boat and under the keel. As far the height, the keel is at least 5.5 to 6' from the water line. Since you will want to move the supports to work on the hull - maybe 6 total supports would be safest.
Do be careful here as the boat does weigh 10 tons - you really don't want to have it fall over.
Jay Bietz