Oilcaning to Westsail 42 sides?

  • January 21, 2024 12:13 PM
    Message # 13303916
    Deleted user

    My friends have a Westsail 42 that has been on the hard for a couple of years. I am seeing that it has a large pair of dimples in the sides, they are pushed in deeper than the thickness of the rub rail.

    I am wondering has anyone else had this happen on their Westsail 42? Could it just be from sitting on the hard for a couple of years or is it a bigger issue?

    The photo attached is looking down the Port side. The dimple in the side of the hull is about 30" long and 3/4-1" deep in the middle.

    1 file
  • January 21, 2024 2:36 PM
    Reply # 13303957 on 13303916
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I have pinged Bud for this post... 


  • January 21, 2024 4:56 PM
    Reply # 13304001 on 13303957
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    I have pinged Bud for this post... 


    Thank you
  • January 22, 2024 9:37 AM
    Reply # 13304267 on 13303916

    I have never seen that on any other W42 or W43.  If it were below the waterline I would suggest it might have been from a jackstand sitting too tightly on the hull for a fairly long period of time in a boatyard.  That would probably happen just after the laminated hull was pulled from the mold and the resin had not set up completely.

    I do not believe it would be any sort of structural problem.

  • January 22, 2024 9:53 AM
    Reply # 13304280 on 13304267
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    I have never seen that on any other W42 or W43.  If it were below the waterline I would suggest it might have been from a jackstand sitting too tightly on the hull for a fairly long period of time in a boatyard.  That would probably happen just after the laminated hull was pulled from the mold and the resin had not set up completely.

    I do not believe it would be any sort of structural problem.

    It is identical on each side of the boat, and looking at the older photos of her I can find they do not appear to be there.

    I am wondering if the mast step collapsing could be causing it? The steel beam is totally rotted out.
  • January 23, 2024 10:32 AM
    Reply # 13304880 on 13303916

    I would think that if the mast would settle because the the steel 

    beam deteriorating and that the shrouds would maybe become loose.

    I had to replace the beam on our W42. You might want to probe the 

    bulkhead that supports the steel beam. One of mine was rotted and I 

    had to cut the cabin sole to cut out the bulkhead, grind the hull, scribe a new

    bulkhead ( 3 pieces of 3/4” marine ply bonded together and screwed together 

    as well ) faired to the hull and glasses. 

    I had the mast down ( actually replaced it ) and replaced all the area above the 

    compression post with G10. I had a stainless I beam fabricated. 

    3 files
  • January 24, 2024 9:12 AM
    Reply # 13305363 on 13303916

    I was thinking today, scary … :)  How bad is your I beam damaged ? If it has really rotted to the point where it is not providing support to the compression post, in turn to the mast. 

    On the deck how is the area around the base of the mast ? Is the deck sagging ? How much ? Ok, now this may be stretching things… if the mast is not being supported properly and sagging the deck , could this lead to the sagging deck pulling in the sides of the hill. Far fetched but possible, maybe ? Let us know what you find. 

    removed the blank lines - djb

    Last modified: January 25, 2024 4:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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