Bud is looking for a picture of the Westsail Builders Plate

  • June 07, 2023 10:22 AM
    Message # 13212107
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bud is looking for a picture of the Westsail Builders Plate - If you have one on your boat please take a picture and post here or send to Bud at bud@westsail.com

    Here is a pic of a WOA brass casting that is NOT what Bud is looking for and nether do we have the mold for making more of these castings. 

    1 file
    Last modified: June 07, 2023 10:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • May 21, 2024 2:17 PM
    Reply # 13359952 on 13212107

    Hello friends,  dear Bud,

    I 'm so proud to share with you

    Babette is an "oeuvre d'art"!

    thank for what you doing!

    wish you the best!

    Whith love!


    1 file
  • May 24, 2024 2:36 PM
    Reply # 13361601 on 13212107
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Thanks for your replay and image. 

    I've emailed your message and image to Bud. 

    Fair winds

    Jay Bietz

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