Just for the sake of completeness if anyone else reads this, I copy the posts Bud has made in the past below:
"Asbestos was used whenever we needed to make a resin putty. Used to smooth over the top of the ballast, and fill in any deep fiberglass cracks.
It was used to attach the plywood cabinsides to the fiberglass, on top of the ballast, and anywhere there was a fiberglass putty needed. It was not used in the basic fiberglass layup of the hull and deck, however it was used to stick the plywood reinforcement on the underside of the deck and cabintop before the last layer of fiberglass was applied. Also used on the edges of the plywood to make a smooth transition between the plywood and the fiberglass layup."
"We made the new (W43) rudder design about mid 1973. The old one had mishmash fill (asbestos powder and polyester resin). There was now a restriction on using asbestos, so we made a deal with Foss Foam in Costa Mesa to make a new rudder mold, using fiberglass skins and foam injected into the mold."