Fuel tanks

  • March 19, 2013 5:38 AM
    Message # 1246328
    Deleted user
    I purchased a W32 back in September and was wondering if there was a way to determine if  the fuel tanks on board are the original ones from the factory.  
    Last modified: March 19, 2013 5:39 AM | Deleted user
  • March 19, 2013 6:40 AM
    Reply # 1246386 on 1246328

    Congrats James!

    I just removed my fuel tank from my 1975 W32 a few weeks ago. Mine was galvanized steel painted red. It did have an ID. plate on the top. The plate has manufacture date, type of material, etc. You might be able to reach up and just pull it off as the glue over the years give up. I don't know if it would help but here is a link to mine when I pulled it out. http://svnelliejo.blogspot.com/2013/03/fuel-tank-removal.html

    Have fun with that new boat!



  • March 19, 2013 11:24 AM
    Reply # 1246649 on 1246328


    The original tanks are 21" across the top front edge.  Because your boat was built in 1978, they would be made from aluminum if they were installed at the factory..

  • March 19, 2013 1:10 PM
    Reply # 1246744 on 1246386
    Deleted user
    James MItchell wrote:

    Congrats James!

    I just removed my fuel tank from my 1975 W32 a few weeks ago. Mine was galvanized steel painted red. It did have an ID. plate on the top. The plate has manufacture date, type of material, etc. You might be able to reach up and just pull it off as the glue over the years give up. I don't know if it would help but here is a link to mine when I pulled it out. http://svnelliejo.blogspot.com/2013/03/fuel-tank-removal.html

    Have fun with that new boat!



    I have exactly the same tanks on my boat, they seem to be in great shape also.
    The ID plate is unreadable as well.
    I enjoy your blog.
    Was the grounding wire still attached to your deckfill?
    Will you be using a grounding wire with your new steel tanks?
  • March 19, 2013 2:00 PM
    Reply # 1246888 on 1246328
    Isn't the grounding wire only for gasoline and not diesel?  
  • March 20, 2013 7:30 AM
    Reply # 1247463 on 1246328
    Deleted user
    Bud, you are right they are aluminum and probably originals.  Do they tend to develop leaks over time? They look in pretty good shape but???

    James, thanks for the link, very informative.  I now have your blog as one of my favorites.
  • March 20, 2013 10:14 PM
    Reply # 1248178 on 1246328

    Thanks for the kind words for the blog guys. Yes I had a grounding wire from the tank to the fill. I will put one in on both tanks just to be safe.

    Check out Tate's blog, Sundowner sails again, also he has a ton of info on it. Just don't start to read it at night.....you'll be up all night!


  • March 21, 2013 8:17 AM
    Reply # 1248507 on 1246888
    Deleted user
    Tate McDaniel wrote:Isn't the grounding wire only for gasoline and not diesel?  
    I have original westsail aluminum tanks and bronze deckfills and they were grounded together. 

  • March 22, 2013 2:37 PM
    Reply # 1249714 on 1246328
    I could be wrong but I believe ABYC calls only from grounding fuel tanks that contain combustible fuel.  A spark would not ignite diesel.  But I guess better safe than sorry. 
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