Hi Bud,
It looks like I will be replacing the water and fuel tanks. Will consider isolation.. The boat will be on the hard until mid to late summer so I may use that time to go ahead and replace them. I read the section in the maintenance manual and will look at taking center tanks out, cutting bulkheads and pulling wing tanks to center.... The center water tank is contaminated with diesel fuel. The bilge area forward of the tank just forward of the step down was relatively clean when I looked at it before shipping, but without pulling up an elevated deck sole sitting in the bilge to keep equipment off the bilge. Upon inspecting the same bilge area after shipment, it was soaked quite high and all equipment with diesel ,etc.. The stepped up bilge area as seen through the aft cabin sink area was full of water/ fuel and the lower deep bilge was filled with same. Both tanks are empty now. One possible thought both center tanks leaked, diesel / water level got high enough to let the level contaminate the water tank and spill into both bilges... The bilges were steam cleaned and once again the upper and lower bilges have water and diesel fuel in them...
As for engines, want to get info for future replacement . The Pekins 4-236 has 9000 + hours on it. Looked at Yanmar 4JH4-HTE1 100hp and Beta 75, Beta 105 engines. Trying to see what engines other W42 /43 owners have re powered with. Is there a down side to going with a higher HP engine, 100hp, rather than the 80hp ..? Turbo vs normally aspirated..? Indirect vs direct injection...? Maintenance and part availability ..?
I have read of some folks having over heating issues the turbo engines..? Reliability, of turbo in sailboat marine environment...?
Extra HP for reserve for possible long runs in heavy seas, against currents,etc.
I heard that the turbo engine should be run at optimum RPM to keep form getting carbon build up, etc.. Somewhere I read that someone said that Yanmar warranty is void if not run at optimum rpm. RPM to get or at hull speed may be below optimum RPM for turbo engine.....
Also on a later topic, someone mentioned having a CD of work or etc of a W42 any other information would be great..