2013 Florida East Coast Rendezvous

  • June 02, 2013 11:38 AM
    Message # 1307525
    Deleted user
    Werner Hamp (Rapsody) and I (Second Wind) are contemplating organizing an East Coast Westsail Rendezvous and since you are listed in the WOA directory as Florida East Coast members we would like know what the level of interest is for an early October get-together in Cocoa, Florida. Werner is in the Cocoa Village Marina, I'm at Waterline Marina in Melbourne and several of you are at Harbor Town Marina, in the Space Coast area, or within a couple of days' sail.

    The dates we are thinking of are October 11-13, weather permitting, of course, and we think we can get Cocoa Marina to arrange for some transient slips and they have very nice facilities, including BBQ'ing, and it's a very short walk to a variety of restaurants in Cocoa.

    Please get back to me at your earliest convenience and we welcome questions and ideas for the RDVU. If I've missed anyone in the area that you know of please let me know so I can include them.


    Tom & Barb Koehl
    S/V "Second Wind" W32
  • June 02, 2013 4:22 PM
    Reply # 1307656 on 1307525

    Go for it, I'll be there. 

    Be sure to contact Charlie Stuard, W43 Trouvere, at the Cocoa Beach Yacht Club, as he has sponsored rendezvous there in the past.  Phone number 513-543-0711..
  • June 03, 2013 6:42 AM
    Reply # 1308139 on 1307525
    Deleted user
    Planning to be there with "Froya"  Great idea.  If you need any help please let me know.
  • June 03, 2013 5:35 PM
    Reply # 1308639 on 1307525
    Deleted user
    Keep me advised as things progress.  WOA is always willing to help out financially with rendezvous, as well as shipping WOA merchandise, so make sure to let me know dates and host information.

    Terry Shoup
  • June 04, 2013 7:30 AM
    Reply # 1309024 on 1307525
    W32 Heron will be there. Jan & Larry
  • June 19, 2013 8:35 AM
    Reply # 1321948 on 1307525
    Deleted user
    Latest update!   The firm dates are now October 25-27, mostly due to slip availability.   The marina can guarantee at least six slips, probably as many as eight.  It would be wonderful if we could fill them.  Also, if the weather cooperates, we could accomodate a few more on the sea wall.   The event is shaping up but we're still getting our plans worked out.   We should be able to publish the itinerary and take reservations by early September.   Let's hope it's a mild hurricane season here and then we'll all have something to celebrate!   -Tom
  • June 19, 2013 3:20 PM
    Reply # 1322291 on 1307525
    Deleted user
    I'm likely to be there but probably without boat.

    Btw, what inlet is to be used?
    Last modified: June 19, 2013 3:56 PM | Deleted user
  • June 19, 2013 4:22 PM
    Reply # 1322338 on 1307525
    Deleted user

    Coming up from the south it would be Port Canaveral then through the locks, two bridges and about 2 more miles back south on the Indian River (Intracoastal). Alternatively, Fort Pierce Inlet then north on the Indian River about 50 miles or so. The locks are closed except for one opening morning and evening due to construction and open normally on weekends only. They may have the work completed by October however. Hope you can come with the boat.


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