I Hate it as well, I am also thinking (pretty sure) of removing it. And yes I am letting the varnish go because I plan on removeing them. I have the molded in foot well i.e. the bottom lifts up not the whole tub.
so before I cut the inside (in the foot well) flush with the side deck, these boards provided two functions
1.) bruse the #$%^ out of your chines. (every trip out)
2.) making sure there is always a little bit of water under your bum
3.) opps the third, they also add to the varnish schedule UGH!
I am still thinking of a good way to install proper seating in their place. i.e. are a bit closer together across the footwell so that you can place your foot on the leading edge of the down wind seat a be comfortable +/-
I am thinking folding, glass and ss +/-