battery placement

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  • September 12, 2011 1:42 PM
    Message # 697689
    Deleted user
    I'm considering relocating my battery bank into the aft lazarette, stored inside a polypropylene vented battery box and strapped down securely. The 2 deep cycle batteries weigh 114 lbs all together.

    Formerly, the batteries were located on either side and forward of the engine. I've found that setup cumbersome as you have to reach through an assortment of hoses to get to the batteries. It also requires an extra mess of wiring which would be reduced if they were combined into a single bank right next to each other. Plus there's a very slow diesel tank leak on the starboard side which gets under the starboard battery. (I'm in the process of emptying the starboard diesel tank, so that I can replace it.)

    I just picked up 2 new deep cycle batteries as the old ones were pretty much flat, but haven't wired the new ones in yet. I'd be interested in any opinions other Westsail owners might have of locating the battery bank in the aft lazarette.
  • September 12, 2011 5:41 PM
    Reply # 697849 on 697689
    Deleted user


    I have two Group 24 batteries located in the aft lazarette in a fiberglass battery box that I have dedicated as the "backup" for my "main" house batteries which are located in the same area of the engine room as you have described. The box was purchased from a guy who had it custom made. I had an area of dry rot on the floor of the lazarette so I cut the offending section out and mounted the box so it portrudes somewhat into the area below. Took care of the dry rot and conserved space in the lazarette as well. This setup has been on board now for 15 years with no issues. It is a trial to swap out the batteries in the engine room as you say  I have to pull my scupper drain hose to do so for the forward battery. When the time comes to replace the group 24's in the aft lazarette I will probably go with four 6V golf cart batteries and then designate that combination as the "main" bank.


    Last modified: September 12, 2011 5:43 PM | Deleted user
  • September 13, 2011 6:52 AM
    Reply # 698395 on 697689

    I don't think there is anything wrong with having the batteries in the laz, but it seems like they'd take up quite a bit of the space in there, and considering it is the only deck-accessible storage bin, I like having as much space in there as possible. We keep spare lines, fenders, a BBQ, paint/varnish, solvents, oil, antifreeze, cleaning supplies, 4 life jackets, a throwable, and an anchor rode marker! I would be really annoyed if I had to move all of that stuff just to check my batteries :/

    Our alternative was to locate four 6-volt Trojan T-105s in a battery tray we built to go in the starboard battery area. We bought a watering system for the batteries, so all we have to do is plug a hose in (easily accessible from the cabin's access), pump the ball with the end in some distilled water, and the batts get filled to full (but not overfull). We also have a single Gp 31 starting battery to port.

    You can see photos of our whole rewiring process from 2007 below. There are photos in there of the battery tray and stuff, although I don't think there are photos of all four batteries with the watering system. You can look waterers up on the net:

    Just what works for us!
  • September 13, 2011 9:42 AM
    Reply # 698544 on 697689
    Deleted user


    I didn't know such a thing was available. I found this one on the net. Is this what you have?

    Flow Rite Qwik Fill on Board Battery Watering System


  • September 13, 2011 10:22 AM
    Reply # 698568 on 697689

    Yeah, that's precisely what we have (I couldn't remember the name when I responded earlier.) It works flawlessly; my only gripe is that they're pricey. But it's worth it to avoid contortionism.

  • September 13, 2011 5:45 PM
    Reply # 698900 on 697689
    Deleted user


    Thanks for the response. That forward battery is a real pain to service even when you are in the engine room anyway. I have a tendency to let that one slide with the inevitable result. It takes a mirror and some yoga to get it done and this is just the ticket.

    Thanks again,


    Anyone interested in a group buy attempt?




  • September 14, 2011 4:06 AM
    Reply # 699199 on 697689
    Deleted user
    Thank you for all the replies. I hear the part about using up a convenient storage space, and getting weight down low. I think I'll try it out for a while and see how it works out.
  • September 16, 2011 4:19 AM
    Reply # 701411 on 697689

    hello RB here. sorry off the subject, but i wanted to ask Arron were he found his custom circuit panel?

  • September 17, 2011 9:45 PM
    Reply # 702594 on 697689
    Hi Ray,

    We worked with Mark at MMES Custom Panels to design and have it built. We were going to use pre-fabricated Blue Seas Systems panels, but by the time we bought all of them and spent time getting them put in and wired up, it would've cost nearly the same. Mark built our panel, an shipped it fully assembled and ready to be hooked it. It looks great and we love it!

  • September 26, 2011 12:17 AM
    Reply # 708446 on 697689
    thanks Aaron for the info!
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