
  • November 02, 2012 7:53 AM
    Reply # 1121063 on 1098392
    Deleted user
    Jay Bietz wrote:

    One common modification is to move the cockpit drains to just above the water line .  This really opened up my engine room. 

    I've been trying to figure out how moving the cockpit drains above the waterline frees up space in the engine room.  Don't you still have the same hoses, just up a few inches?  My cockpit drain hoses are in the lazarette (only the aft drain indentations in the footwell are actually used for drains).  Also, granted, my W28 is not a W32 but looking at my drains in the hull, they're only maybe an inch or two below the footwell, or so it appears anyway.
  • November 02, 2012 9:11 AM
    Reply # 1121132 on 1098327
    Steve, the holes are moved back towards the stern so that the hoses can run up against the bottom of the cockpit "tub" back. Keeps them out of the way.
  • November 02, 2012 12:32 PM
    Reply # 1123924 on 1098327

    Would anyone have a picture of the relocated seacocks and piping? I am redoing the engine room on my W32 and would like to make this change.

  • November 02, 2012 4:38 PM
    Reply # 1124711 on 1098327
    Last modified: November 02, 2012 4:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • November 02, 2012 8:41 PM
    Reply # 1124780 on 1098327
    Deleted user
    Thanks that is a great pic, what are the holes just forward of the thruhulls? On the starboard side what are the black hoses going up? As I build my boat these pics are useful, if I try to look at pics in the images area I can't see them ( I use a iPad ) they do work on my laptop at school, but that does not always help here at home.
  • November 02, 2012 10:03 PM
    Reply # 1124805 on 1098327
    Deleted user
    But aren't cockpit drains supposed to cross so that, when heeled over, the drain isn't underwater, allowing water into the cockpit?  I know that, if heeled enough, the cockpit won't drain with the hoses crossed.  That's just the way that I'd always seen them.  If they can be run straight as in your photo, I'm doing it as that would free up space in my lazarette.

  • November 02, 2012 10:10 PM
    Reply # 1124812 on 1098327
    I didn't post the photo but I'll attempt to answer the questions posed in Claus' post. 

    The things just in front of the thru hulls are probably bolts for the boomkin tang plates.  The black hoses in the photo are most likely an anti-siphon device for the water exhaust. 

    And Steve you pose a good question but not all of them cross the hoses.  I've also seen above the water line conversions where the cock pit drains lead to a pipe that exits both sides of the hull to allow for all angles of heel.  I believe that is the ABYC method to do this modification.  I'll try to find a photo of it. 
  • November 02, 2012 10:16 PM
    Reply # 1124815 on 1098327
    I can't seem to find the photo of the traverse pipe but here is something similar I saw for the exhaust system.  In this setup you'd probably mount a pipe that is the aggregate of the drain sizes across and send both drains into that pipe.  

    So a 3" pipe with the two 1.5" drains feeding into it. 

    Wish I could still find the photo of that setup. 
  • November 02, 2012 10:36 PM
    Reply # 1124823 on 1098327
    Steve, you could do it like that....(cross over) It has not been a problem for us.
  • November 03, 2012 6:51 AM
    Reply # 1125603 on 1098327
    Deleted user

    I have the crossed-over hoses.  Trouble is, they make a big giant X about halfway down the lazarette.  Have to be careful about what sits on them and it makes getting the stuff stored below them difficult.  I was thinking that, if not crossing them works just as well, why not uncross them and open the space up.
