New owners of an unfinished W32 kit boat!!!

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  • February 10, 2015 7:09 PM
    Message # 3223149
    Deleted user

    Hello All, 

    We are so excited to be owners of an unfinished W32 kit boat! The boat is amazing, comes with 98% of the hardware needed to complete it, the original plans, and tons and tons of hand-written notes by the extremely intelligent and thorough GE engineer that owned it prior to us. This guy literally wrote pages and pages, full spiral notebooks (tons of them!!), of mathmatical equations regarding the W32 design and his plans for the boat. Super score! Haha!

    Anyways, this is my dream boat and we are soooo excited to start building this boat this coming June. I might even take pictures of pages of these notebooks and post them. The contents are unreal! I feel like an idiot after reading them for 5 minutes but at the same time, feel like I am getting smarter. Haha! 

    Back to working on this Cheoy Lee Burmuda 30 so we'll be done in  time to start on the W32 this June!!!



  • February 11, 2015 9:46 AM
    Reply # 3223628 on 3223149

    Justin, congratulations on the boat.  Where is she going to be located.



  • February 11, 2015 9:58 AM
    Reply # 3223637 on 3223149
    Deleted user

    She's in the Sacramento Delta at this time.

  • February 11, 2015 11:26 AM
    Reply # 3223681 on 3223149

    Justin, If you chose to stay in the Delta take a look of the Stockton Sailing Club.  It's a beautiful facility with a boat yard next door and a West Marine down the street.  It's also the cheapest around for what you get.


  • February 11, 2015 6:18 PM
    Reply # 3224172 on 3223149
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Justin: welcome aboard -- and do checkout the stockton Sailing club and across the street - Ladd's marina... 

    Also in the members area Westsail Fixes & FAQ and Images from the members will be able to get your started on ideas... and of course lots of free opinions! 

    There are quite a few Westsailors in the Delta area -- so when you are ready let us know and maybe can drop by for a chat. 

    Welcome to the adventure...

    Jay Bietz
    Lincoln, CA

  • February 11, 2015 8:00 PM
    Reply # 3224204 on 3223681
    Deleted user
    Jim Focha wrote:

    Justin, If you chose to stay in the Delta take a look of the Stockton Sailing Club.  It's a beautiful facility with a boat yard next door and a West Marine down the street.  It's also the cheapest around for what you get.


    Jim, we'll do that. Thanks for the tip.
  • February 11, 2015 8:09 PM
    Reply # 3224206 on 3224172
    Deleted user
    Jay Bietz wrote:

    Justin: welcome aboard -- and do checkout the stockton Sailing club and across the street - Ladd's marina... 

    Also in the members area Westsail Fixes & FAQ and Images from the members will be able to get your started on ideas... and of course lots of free opinions! 

    There are quite a few Westsailors in the Delta area -- so when you are ready let us know and maybe can drop by for a chat. 

    Welcome to the adventure...

    Jay Bietz
    Lincoln, CA

    The people at Ladd's are great! Patty has given us advice that panned out more than once.

    I'm going to be going through this forum quite a bit over the next year. I have a lot to learn! And don't worry, I've got some real treasures to post here as well. I have no experience with the W32 but the previous owner was an engineer from GE and hand wrote out his plans for the boat in exhaustive detail. We are talking 700 plus pages of notes, calculations, formulas, and hand-drawn to-scale plans for everything from wet closet doors to diesel tank designs and everything in between. This doesn't include his notes on the original plans. I'm going to be posting some pics of his notes for fun.

    We'd love to meet up with sone of you!


  • February 11, 2015 9:06 PM
    Reply # 3224219 on 3223149

    Started by a engineer ? Ours was started (finished ?) by a JPL engineer , the build manual we got with the boat was amazing , notes all over the place , and not one fender washer on the thing .  

  • February 11, 2015 11:21 PM
    Reply # 3224243 on 3224219
    Deleted user
    Mark Miller wrote:

    Started by a engineer ? Ours was started (finished ?) by a JPL engineer , the build manual we got with the boat was amazing , notes all over the place , and not one fender washer on the thing .  

    Yes Mark, I believe I have the same build manual in the original binder (minus the front cover). This guy has made a tone of notes in it.  ;)

    This guy was waaaaaaay smarter than me. I don't doubt that at all. I look through his notes and feel stupid but smarter afterwards. An odd feeling. I also have to admit that I don't know jack about engineers, having never been one and only working with them regularly for maybe 7 years of my short life. I am normally more interested in the outcome than the formula to get there. A shortcoming of mine.

    At any rate, his ramblings are entertaining, interesting, and confusing, all at the same time. Just wait....maybe I'll post a few pages worth tomorrow...

  • February 12, 2015 11:19 AM
    Reply # 3224724 on 3223149
    Deleted user
    Last modified: February 13, 2015 2:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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