morse controls

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  • January 23, 2012 4:35 PM
    Reply # 805694 on 790885
    Deleted user
    Sea Gypsy had the same Morse single lever shift/throttle control as pictured in earlier posts. Worked great except the neutral lock-out was inoperative. As a result, I was compelled to start the engine at dead idle. Works OK in warm weather, but not in cold. I tried & tried to find info on this controller but never found any. Only recently, reading these posts and seeing the pictures confirmed it was indeed Morse.

     I recently replaced it with a Vetus model SISCO. I am VERY satisfied with the replacement. Still single lever/dual function. Looks great too! Consider it a possible alternative/upgrade.

    Added bonus:The Vetus SISCO will push or pull depending on the engine requirements.
  • January 31, 2012 5:47 PM
    Reply # 812252 on 790885
    Deleted user
    Allan and Jack, I have the Owner's Manual in my hands now.  The model # is MV-2 (March 1988).  If you still would like a copy, I will give it a go. 
  • February 01, 2012 12:15 PM
    Reply # 813761 on 790885
    Deleted user
    After reviewing several manuals from the Morse website I concluded the the MV2 was the closest match to my lever. I have since installed it and have the lever operating.  I am sure this is a valuable resource as most W32s utilize this control lever and they seem to wear as the cables slip and stretch. I rebuilt mine as it was frozen from years of inoperation. Thanks for your assistance. Sincerely Alan   
  • February 02, 2012 9:22 PM
    Reply # 815058 on 790885
    Deleted user

    Alan, good job getting that fussy little thing working.  After a long look at your photo of lever, I do not see the neutral collar or rod running down the inside of the handle.  Probably not the MV-2 anyway.


  • February 03, 2012 6:06 AM
    Reply # 815290 on 790885
    I have a PDF manual for the MV-2, if anyone needs it.

    Does anyone have a clue what model this ugly control might be? (Unfortunately, Wild Apricot has screwed up their posting routines again, so I can not currently paste the actual image today. Sorry.)

    Last modified: February 03, 2012 6:09 AM | Anonymous member
  • February 03, 2012 8:04 AM
    Reply # 815367 on 790885
    Deleted user


    That is a Marmac shifter which is what I have as installed by Bob Comstock, the original builder/owner of Rhapsody. Works good, lasts a long time (with a few repairs over the years). I believe I have the original spec sheet somewhere in my files if you need it.



  • February 03, 2012 10:34 AM
    Reply # 815484 on 790885
    Thank you, Werner. It makes it a little easier to search when you know the manufacturer. I did find an example image on a Sailboat Owners Assoc. page

    It appears to be a model "M-1093-D2". I cannot, however, find a manual anywhere and mine seems to need adjustment. If you come across the spec sheet, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • February 04, 2012 5:24 AM
    Reply # 815879 on 790885
    Deleted user


    I'll scan and PDF it to you when I get back to Florida next week. As I recall, it's only a single page and is very general. The removal procedure requires a little finesse with a couple of padded screwdrivers or a gear puller as the outer housing is mounted on a serrated spline which can be removed after removal of the handle and transmission interlock knob.



  • February 04, 2012 5:53 PM
    Reply # 816197 on 790885
    Thanks, Werner... have a good trip.
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