Poled out staysail

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  • October 21, 2012 5:33 PM
    Message # 1109958
    So, one problem with having a loose footed/boomless staysail is that you cant use the boom to wing it out.
    Anyone use a pole to the mast for this purpose? How long is it?
    Last modified: October 21, 2012 5:44 PM | Anonymous
  • October 25, 2012 7:38 AM
    Reply # 1113675 on 1109958
    Anyone else run into this problem?
  • October 25, 2012 11:17 AM
    Reply # 1113884 on 1109958
    Deleted user
    Gary, we haven't seen the need to pole out the staysail, just the jib, ours is lose footed also.  I knew one boat not a westsail, that used the main boom to do this.  What conditions do want to pole out the staysail.

    How was your trip back?  How long did it take to get back? Coming down the Pacific coast from Oregon to San Francisco for the rendezvous has got to be some kind of record. Elizabeth Ann is a beautiful boat.

    Last modified: October 25, 2012 11:18 AM | Deleted user
  • October 25, 2012 12:38 PM
    Reply # 1113955 on 1109958
    Jim, thanks for the reply.
    On the trip down the coast I would liked to have gone with the poled out staysail and double reefed main wing and wing. I did not have a foreguy or afterguy rigged for the big pole and felt like trying to pole out the jib without the guys was a recipe for breaking something....I did start to raise it but then put it away. 
    The staysail would have been the answer I think, but as we were going direct downwind the banging as the sail inflated and then deflated was not acceptable.

    I think the record for distance must go to Lee Perry who attended the PNW rendezvous from Brookings in 09. That round trip would have been just over a thousand miles. :) I was lucky enough to crew on the up leg.
  • October 25, 2012 12:48 PM
    Reply # 1113966 on 1109958
    Forgot to write about the return trip. We left San Leandro the Thursday after the rendezvous at 4 in the morning to catch max ebb at the gate at 7 in the morning. We had rented a car and driven down after I finished work on Wednesday afternoon...got to the boat at about 9:30 I think, changed the engine oil then went to bed.
    I did not enjoy motoring along the cityfront in the dark, and slowed way down after seeing a unlit buoy/can near the bay bridge. :) 
    After we got out the gate and turned around pt Bonita we motorsailed.
    From San Leandro to tied up in Brookings 56 hours....but the engine ran nearly the whole time. It would have been nice to have sailed more but in reality we were lucky to get such benign weather for the return delivery.
    Thanks for the compliment on the boat, Worldwind is probably the nicest W32 I have been aboard :)
    Last modified: October 25, 2012 1:44 PM | Anonymous
  • October 26, 2012 6:21 AM
    Reply # 1114485 on 1109958
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Gary - how much fuel did you use and what engine / prop are you using -- for my future referernce. 

    I'll second Jim's compliment on your boat - and thanks for all your efforts to join us in San Leandro. 

    Hopefully you can join us next year for the Cruise the SF Bay event! 
  • October 27, 2012 8:58 AM
    Reply # 1115344 on 1109958
    Deleted user
    I'm willing to forego that one benefit of the club-footed sty'sl for the ease of heaving-to without one.

    I don't have a pole for the staysail either. When going downwind in a breeze, I often sheet the staysail in tight and centered, using both sheets, as it helps keep the boat tracking downwind and dampens motion (stay-put-sail?), also reduces tendency to yaw when going wing-on-wing with yankee and main.

    I would try using the main boom (without mainsail) to wing out the staysail  if I was flying double headsails downwind.

    Wish telescoping poles weren't so expensive. I have an 18' pole that works with the yankee, genoa and spinnaker. My guess is about a 12-13' pole would work with the staysail.

    Last modified: October 27, 2012 8:59 AM | Deleted user
  • October 27, 2012 11:10 AM
    Reply # 1115410 on 1109958
    Deleted user
    Gary, glade you had a good trip home.  I didn't know about Lee's run but it doesn't surprise me,  he has an impressive sailing resume.  Also Dave king went to Anacortes, Washington from Portland, Oregon for a rendezvous. Even so "my hats off to you" for coming all the way to the rendezvous.

    As far as poling out, we never use fore or aft guys.  We know that's wrong and every time we make a long ocean run we say we'll have some ready for the next time, but we never do although we plan to have them ready for the next cruise.  We have a line control telescoping pole which is too long for the staysail, but we never planed on using it for that. We wanted it to be long enough for use with drifter or asymmetrical as well as the jib.  We use our staysail like David, centered to mitigate rolling. It's also boom less and on a Profurl.

  • October 29, 2012 5:26 PM
    Reply # 1116999 on 1109958
    Has anyone built a carbon pole? There are sections here; http://www.carbonfibertubeshop.com/

    And here is a video (but very brief) of someone building a complete pole

    And a small mast:

    This might be a neat winter project.. only thing I'm not sure about is how thick the pole should be for enough strength.

    Last modified: October 29, 2012 5:29 PM | Anonymous
  • October 30, 2012 6:24 PM
    Reply # 1119098 on 1109958
    Deleted user
    Hi Gary, I have not built a carbon pole. But a friend and I built a down wind pole out of wood for the Yankee, bird mouth join strips. Each strip is tapered at each end so that when its all glued up the pole is tapered at each end, not to mention hollow. Wood is Doug Fir. If we wanted it lighter we would have used Spruce.                                                                              Here is how I run this set up :  First the pole is on a mast track ( the Lynn and Larry Pardy method) .  I set the Yankee to the windward side . Then,  I set the Drifter to the leeward side. I stow the stay sail, the boat really gets down on her lines, picks up a knot or two and makes a good size wake. But I digress, if I had money. I would commission a carbon mast a carbon boom and stay sail boom  plus  the said DW pole.  Then I would have it all painted to look like wood .  It would be rigged with galvanized wire rope, Liverpool spliced.
    Last modified: June 10, 2013 10:39 AM | Deleted user
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