Northern California Westsail Rendezvous

  • September 28, 2012
  • 12:30 PM
  • September 30, 2012
  • 12:00 PM
  • San Leandro Marina, San Leandro, CA


  • I will be attending w/o a vessel.
  • Vessel Berth for one night $15.00. Cash only at registration.
  • $30 for 2 nights - Cash only at registration

Registration is closed

Welcome! All Westsails and Westsailors past, present and future.  Bring your boat, crew, or just yourself. We have dock space for all boats.  Please register in advance online or contact Jay Bietz.

This is a great time to tour Westsails and renew friendships. 

  • Google Map Location of San Leandro Marina

  • The Marina Inn overlooks the marina and offers special rates for our event.  Call 800 786 7783 for reservations - ask for the Westsail Rendezvous rate.

  • Two restaurants are in easy walking distance.

  • Slip fees are $15 per night and include a gate key to the showers.   

  • Friday night hors d'oeuvres potluck; 

  • Saturday, boat tours and visiting followed by a delicious dinner, special guest speaker SLYC Commodore Norm Pennington will present on VHF DSC radio with GPS capabilities. 

  • Saturday 3:00 pm Ethan Hirschfeld of Beta Marine Sausalito will be talking about diesel engine maintenance and Beta engines.

  •  Our famous red raffle finishes the evening. 

  • Sunday morning brunch buffet. 

  • New for 2012 is the Westsail SF Bay Cruise to follow the weekend rendezvous.  The current plan is to sail the bay stopping at various anchorages and moorings.  Whether you can cruise the whole week or not try to meet up by Friday night to anchor in Aquatic Cove.  Free Permit Required  so send in your permit early.  Saturday from the cove you will have a bird's eye view of Fleet Week Blue Angles performance.  

  • Please indicate if you are interested in the Westsail SF Bay cruise at registration. 

    Tortuga W32 and a B-2 over head - Image by Julie Focha.

    Photos from the 2011 Northern California Rendezvous