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  • November 21, 2011 3:57 PM
    Reply # 756291 on 746337
    Deleted user
    I live in the middle of nowhere, small town in the prairies, I would have to get in done on one of my trips to the city, as I am a teacher I usually go on weekend when places like that are closed, could try to find out though.
  • December 11, 2011 2:35 PM
    Reply # 771156 on 746337
    Deleted user
    I could use full scale copies of templates for kit boat planning.  This is just a thought, but once the originals are copied to digital format, they can be reprinted with similar machines that scanned them.  For example, the St. Michaels Chesapeake Maritime Museum and Library will copy their plans/prints and put them on CD in different formats.   They are volunteer and do not have the money to bump start the process, but they keep the master CD that is made and distribute copies that are asked for at cost.  I do not know the machines or formats that they use or recommend.
  • December 11, 2011 6:17 PM
    Reply # 771280 on 746337
    Deleted user
    That sounds like a good idea, if someone closer to such facilities could find out the details it may work. Just to be clear these are full size templates, the two rolls of acetate that I cut them out of were each probably 200+ feet long ,we are talking about  a lot of acetate.
  • April 12, 2012 12:07 AM
    Reply # 887522 on 746337

    Claus,very interested in the templates if i could help get them copyed let me know. (if you havnt already.) you can email me anytime , thankyou for any help you could give

    thanks again  !                                                                                                                                         







  • April 12, 2012 1:13 PM
    Reply # 888219 on 746337
    Deleted user


    I am also interested in the templates, as I have a 1976 kit boat that I would like to build out.  I will be happy to send a contribution to assist with the cost of copying the templates to CD.  You can contact me via my email, enniskay@gmail.com, or by phone @ 985-960-3830.  Thanks.  Ennis 

  • April 12, 2012 5:13 PM
    Reply # 888396 on 746337
    Deleted user
    If there is someone close to a place that would be able to do something like this I think it would be great, as I said I am in the middle of the prairies, 4-5 hr drive to a major centre, and that not that major. As I am done with them, I'm okay with passing them on, but beware, you need a large area to lay them out, I do have them separated into sections. I really do not want them to be separated , but I like the idea of putting them on cd, anyone want to organise this?
  • April 12, 2012 6:33 PM
    Reply # 888443 on 746337
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Chris:  Can you give me a rough count and size LXW of the templates?  I'll post on the front page our need for scanning to CD - maybe someone has the tools available.


  • April 12, 2012 8:36 PM
    Reply # 888542 on 746337
    Deleted user
    I cut the templates out of two acetate rolls 4' x?  (long)  probably 100' each, the templates were packed pretty tight,   No way to see them all laid out as they would not fit in my house. Imagine taking all the plywood out of your boat, there is a lot more than you think
  • April 12, 2012 8:44 PM
    Reply # 888543 on 746337
    Deleted user
    I started with a bare hull, not even bulkheads, this would be the only reason to need a full set, they are extremely useful in this case,if you are just replacing one or two pieces maybe less so. Some of the bulkhead templates use almost a whole sheet of ply, if you have a manual it shows the layout on ply, if I remember right about twenty four sheets of ply that would be almost 900 sq ft.
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