The Southern California
Westsail Rendezvous 2020
Date: May 15- 17, 2020 - HAS BEEN CANCELED due to the COVID-19 concerns.
Please watch this site for possible new date later in the year.
Location: Oceanside Harbor, Oceanside, California
Longitude -117.3795 Latitude - 33.1959
Host: Kirk Brown - s/v Ostara W32 Email: 1cptkirk@msn.com
Contact the Oceanside Harbormaster (760) 435-4000 right away for dock space. The cost is $1.40 per foot per night and reservations are accepted after March 14, 2020.
Be sure to tell them you’re part of the Westsail Owners Association.
The address is 1540 Harbor Drive North, Oceanside, CA 92054 phone (760) 435-4000.
Here are the details needed for making a reservation.
-Copy of registration/documentation
-Copy of photo I.D. or drivers license
-Full name
-Phone number
-Boat name
-Power or Sail?
-Date in and date leaving - there is a maximum stay of 30 days.
As always, the rendezvous is a very informal and casual event with activities based on the number of Westsailors present, their energy level, and the weather. Our primary purpose is to renew old acquaintances, make new ones, tell almost true sea stories, and most of all, visit boats !
Your host for this year’s event is Kirk Brown of the Westsail 32 Ostara The schedule will include the following events:
FRIDAY ARRIVAL – May 15 – Arrival and tie up at Oceanside Harbor Marina. Be sure to make your reservation ahead undefined there may or may not be slips available for surprise last-minute show-ups! Throughout the afternoon and evening, informal socializing on various boats and on the dock undefined snacks, drinks, and camaraderie.
FRIDAY Night – May 15 - Potluck
SATURDAY DAY– May 16 – Coffee, drinks, baked foods, and munchies.on the dock, followed by Bud’s mini-surveys, and visiting the boats all day long.
SATURDAY EVENING – Dinner (pending final arrangements) will either be at the Jolly Roger located right by the guest slips, or possibly at the Oceanside Yacht Club, which is close by. Announcement of the location will be made during the day on Saturday. After dinner presention is also in the planning stages.
SUNDAY – May 17 – Coffee and breakfast then cast off the dock lines and head for your homeport or wherever the wind may take you. If some others are interested, perhaps a flotilla to Catalina, for those who can take a couple of days off of work.
Remember, you don’t have to be a Westsail owner to attend. Owners of all of the Atkins/Archer/Double-ender types, and any other interested folks are invited to enjoy the camaraderie and see our beautiful boats. Spread the word in your home ports !!
Picture from the Oceanside, California web site.