Southern California Westsail Rendezvous, October 13 - 15, 2017.
This year’s event will be held at Two Harbors, or what is usually called the Isthmus on Catalina Island. If you are unable to bring your boat this year, we hope you are able to make it on someone else’s, or by Catalina Express, helicopter, or ?
If you are bringing your boat, we have contacted the Harbormaster who will make every attempt to keep all of us Westie’s close together. Look for the Westsail 32s at the west side if the Isthmus, on moorings C and D. If you plan to attend please let us know the name and size of your boat, and how many nights you plan to stay so we can notify the Harbormaster.
As always, the rendezvous is a very informal and casual event with activities based on the number of Westsailor’s present, their energy level, and the weather. Our primary purpose is to renew old acquaintances, make new ones, tell almost true sea stories and most of all, visit boats !
Your hosts for this year’s event is Kirk Brown, and he can be reached on VHF channel 9, or by cell phone at 951-313-3637. Look for the Westsail flags flying on some of the Westsail boats.
Mooring fee is based on manufacturers stated length – 10’ to 29’ is $38 per day, 30’ to 39’ $46.00 is per day, 40’ to 49’ is $54.00 per day
The planned loose schedule will include the following events:
FRIDAY ARRIVAL – If coming by boat, call the Harbormaster on VHF channel 9 when you arrive at the harbor. Be sure and let them know you are here to attend the WOA rendezvous. Look for the Westsail 32s at the west side if the isthmus, on moorings C and D. for any needed help in mooring your vessel. Meet and greet any new faces and plan to attend a casual get acquainted happy hour aboard on one of the boats. Which one will be determined and announced. Feel free to bring your own and a little to spill to the gods of the sea.
SATURDAY – 10 AM. Late comers arrive and a short meeting will be held on the beach at the Isthmus. We will get a head count so final arrangements can be made for the evening dinner and discuss additional plans for the weekend. Most of the day will be reserved for boat hopping and idea swapping. Bud Taplin, of Westsail Parts Company, may possibly be there, to answer questions and offer insults and suggestions about the boats.
SATURDAY EVENING – A dinner party will be arranged for, depending on the choices of a beach barbeque or dinner at the main restaurant at the Isthmus.
SUNDAY – A morning brunch is always a possibility (unless there is a volunteer for bacon and egg specials), followed by more boat visits.
To guarantee mooring space or to let us know you are coming, with or without your boat, you must call:
Kirk Brown at: (951) 313–3637 cell or on VHF Channel 9 or email: 1cptkirk@msn.com.
Additional contact phone numbers: l
Two Harbors Harbormaster – (310) 510-4253 0r (310) 510-4254
Catalina Visitors Center - (310) 510-4205
Possible two night rentals at private homes - (877) 778-8322
Remember, you don’t have to be a Westsail owner to attend. Owners of all of the Atkins/Archer/Double-ender types, and any other interested folks, are invited to enjoy the camaraderie and see our beautiful boats. Spread the word in your home ports!!
Hope to see you on this special weekend !