Westsail work bee -- Ladd's Marina Stockton

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  • July 28, 2012 9:01 AM
    Reply # 1024529 on 1020254
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Tyler Bechel wrote:


    if the caprail wood is most likely teak?  Any recommendations here to varnish or teak oil and leave gray? 


    Tyler:  Most of the Westsail 32's that I've seen - it's teak - but owners can also change it and in some cases remove it completely and glass over the area. 

    I use cetol on my teak and find it easy to maintain - yearly scrub with water and add a coat of gloss cetol.  Leaving it grey is another option.

    One issue that many boats have is that the cap rail leaks into the cabin at the low spots - this can be annoying - I've had my plastic plates floating in the stbd cabinets from rain water!!

    In the Members Area > Westsail FAQ topics there is a topic on fixing the caprail leaks - folks either seal around the edges or remove the caprail and fill the void below with "life caulk" type sealents.


    Last modified: July 28, 2012 9:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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