St. Croix

  • February 04, 2015 6:37 PM
    Message # 3218072
    Deleted user

    Ok.    I would much rather be sailing there with our Westsail28, however, going on a cruise with the kids (older) and granddaughter.  Wondering if anyone knew anyone there that could bring us out for a half day sail.  Monohull please.  Need to show the kids that live away what all the excitement about sailing is all about.  March 15, 2015. Several of the usual places are booked, but, thought someone might know someone willing  

  • February 05, 2015 5:56 PM
    Reply # 3218869 on 3218072

    Hi Amy , sorry I can't help you with your request . But I do remember Toucan , Back in the mid 90's we had exchanged some letters with the old owner , he was in Florida .It was a hoot whenever he sent us a letter , his return label had a Toucan on it . How are you and ex Toucan doing ? ( didn't mean to hijack your thread ). 

  • February 06, 2015 7:24 AM
    Reply # 3219224 on 3218072
    Deleted user

    No problem.  Love to hear about our old girl's history. We are new to sailing and have our dreams of cruising with her.  She is a very patient teacher. Would love to know where she sailed in her past life. Thanks For posting! Tell more!

  • February 07, 2015 10:08 AM
    Reply # 3220018 on 3218072

    Sorry Amy , not much to tell about the PO , only that he was really into the whole Westsail thing , (as all of us are ) I do think I remember the guy I knew had sold Toucan in the late 90's  Back in those days we didn't have internet . We did have a mimeographed news letter we all got once a month , the PO got a hold of me through the news letter, I think he contacted all the W28's , he was very interested that we lived close to the old factory and Bud . Edit , I just remembered the guy's name . Smitty , I know Bud new him well .

    Last modified: February 07, 2015 11:48 AM | Anonymous member
  • February 08, 2015 7:28 AM
    Reply # 3220488 on 3218072
    Deleted user
